Italian Prime Minister Defamation Lawsuit Over Deepfake Porn Video

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni has launched a defamation lawsuit against two men who created and shared a deepfake porn video of her. The deepfake was made in 2020 and has caused significant harm. Meloni is also pursuing another defamation claim against a British singer for derogatory remarks.

Key Points

  • Deepfake technology used to create a porn video of Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni.
  • Meloni pursuing legal action against the creators of the deepfake.
  • Rise of deepfake technology raises concerns about privacy and misinformation.
  • Calls for regulations on generative AI technology to combat deepfakes.


  • Meloni taking legal action against creators of deepfake porn video to seek justice and prevent further harm.
  • Meloni plans to donate any damages won to the Solidarity Fund for Victims of Violence.


  • The rise of deepfake technology poses a threat to society, including issues of privacy, misinformation, and political disinformation.
  • Difficulty in regulating and punishing makers of deepfake content.