Marine Corps veteran to stand trial for manslaughter in NYC subway chokehold death

Marine Corps veteran Daniel Penny to stand trial for manslaughter in chokehold death of Jordan Neely on NYC subway. Trial date set for Oct. 8, expected to last 4-6 weeks. Penny cooperated with police but later charged with manslaughter. Neely had a history of mental illness and prior subway assaults.

Key Points

  • Trial date set for Oct. 8, expected to last 4-6 weeks
  • Penny placed an 'erratic' and 'threatening' Neely in a chokehold on the subway
  • Neely had a documented history of mental illness and prior subway assaults


  • Daniel Penny acted to protect other passengers from a threatening individual
  • Penny cooperated with police and turned himself in when charged


  • Jordan Neely, the victim, had a history of mental illness and prior subway assaults
  • Continued transit crime in NYC following the incident