Texas man found guilty of torturing children and sentenced to more than 10 life sentences

SOURCE www.foxnews.com
A Texas man, David Calhoun, was found guilty of torturing children and received more than 10 life sentences for his crimes. The abuse inflicted on several of his stepchildren and nephews was described as similar to the torture experienced by prisoners of war and political prisoners during the Korean and Vietnam wars.

Key Points

  • David Calhoun was convicted on multiple counts including sexual assault and aggravated assault
  • The abuse was described as Intrafamilial Child Torture similar to torture faced by POWs and political prisoners
  • Multiple victims, including children and adults, were subjected to Calhoun's abuse


  • Justice served for the victims of the abuse
  • Awareness raised about the severity of child abuse and torture


  • Horrifying details of the abuse inflicted on the children
  • Long-lasting psychological and physical impact on the victims