U.S. Air Force Scraps High-Energy Laser Weapon for AC-130J Gunships

SOURCE www.foxnews.com
The U.S. Air Force has scrapped plans to use a high-energy laser weapon on AC-130J Ghostrider gunships due to technical challenges. The weapon achieved high-power operation during ground tests but missed integration and flight test windows. The project has been zeroed out in the command's fiscal 2025 budget request.

Key Points

  • A high-energy laser weapon intended for AC-130J Ghostrider gunships faced technical challenges and missed key testing windows.
  • The weapon achieved high-power operation during ground tests but will not be used as initially envisioned.
  • The project has been removed from the command's future plans and budget requests.


  • High-energy laser technology could offer significant advantages in disabling enemy targets without collateral damage.
  • The weapon could potentially find use in other areas like mounting on fighter jets for missile defense.


  • Technical challenges led to the project missing integration and flight test windows.
  • The Air Force Special Operations Command has zeroed out the project in its fiscal 2025 budget request.