Death of Pearl Harbor Survivor Richard Clyde Higgins

One of the last survivors of the 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor, Richard Clyde Higgins, passed away at 102 in Oregon. He served as a radioman during the attack and later as a Chief Petty Officer in the U.S. Navy during World War II. He was honored by his community and local officials for his service.

Key Points

  • Richard Clyde Higgins was born in 1921 and served as a radioman during the Pearl Harbor attack
  • He continued to serve in the Navy during World War II and received numerous awards
  • He passed away at 102 in Oregon and was honored by his community
  • Higgins was the last living member of his local Pearl Harbor Survivors Association chapter


  • Honored for his military service
  • Long and celebrated life
  • Impactful career as a Chief Petty Officer and aeronautics engineer


  • Loss of a historical figure
  • Only 22 survivors of the Pearl Harbor attack remain