Israel's Intelligence on Hamas in Gaza

Israel has obtained detailed intelligence on Hamas during its military offensive in Gaza, including information on leadership, command structures, and communications. They have used this intelligence to target and kill key Hamas officials. The U.S. is also assisting Israel in gathering intelligence on Hamas. The offensive has severely impacted Hamas' military capabilities but has also led to civilian casualties and humanitarian concerns. The Biden administration has urged Israel to scale back its offensive.

Key Points

  • Israel has detailed intelligence on Hamas' leadership and operations
  • U.S. is assisting Israel in gathering intelligence on Hamas
  • Offensive has severely impacted Hamas' military capabilities
  • Biden administration has urged Israel to scale back offensive


  • Detailed intelligence on Hamas obtained
  • Successful targeting of key Hamas officials
  • Assistance from U.S. intelligence agencies


  • Civilian casualties and humanitarian concerns
  • International outrage over civilian casualties