Legislation banning teacher-led discussions on sexual orientation and gender identity in Alabama public schools

SOURCE apnews.com
Alabama lawmakers advance legislation that would ban teacher-led discussions on sexual orientation and gender identity in public schools and prohibit displaying Pride flags in classrooms, in a move critics call 'Don't Say Gay.' The bill expands current law to cover all grades and prohibits school employees from displaying flags representing sexual or gender identity on public school property.

Key Points

  • Bill expands current Alabama law to prohibit teacher-led discussions on sexual orientation and gender identity in all grades
  • Legislation includes a ban on displaying flags or insignias representing sexual or gender identity on public school property
  • Critics argue the bill is discriminatory and may harm LGBTQ+ students


  • May prevent what some consider inappropriate discussions in schools
  • Supports the belief that certain topics should be left to families to discuss


  • Limits students' exposure to diverse perspectives and identities
  • Potentially stigmatizes LGBTQ+ students and community members