Phone-Hacking Lawsuit against Rupert Murdoch's News Group Newspapers

Prince Harry and Hugh Grant seek to amend their phone-hacking lawsuit against Rupert Murdoch’s News Group Newspapers to include Murdoch, Will Lewis, and Rebekah Brooks, alleging they were aware of efforts to cover up the company’s phone-hacking scandal. The case is expected to go to trial in January 2025.

Key Points

  • Allegations against Rupert Murdoch, Will Lewis, and Rebekah Brooks
  • Expected trial in January 2025
  • Claims of deliberate cover-up of phone-hacking scandal


  • Seeking accountability for alleged phone-hacking scandal cover-up
  • Bringing top executives into legal proceedings


  • Pushback from News U.K. and NGN lawyers
  • Allegations of using the lawsuit for wider campaigning interests