United Nations Resolution on Artificial Intelligence

SOURCE www.nbcnews.com
The United Nations General Assembly is set to vote on a resolution on artificial intelligence that aims to ensure the technology benefits all nations while respecting human rights and being safe, secure, and trustworthy. The United States sponsored the resolution, hoping for global support to establish principles for AI development and use. The resolution also aims to bridge the digital divide between rich and poor countries and leverage AI for global benefit, including in areas like healthcare and education.

Key Points

  • Resolution sponsored by the United States
  • Aims to establish global principles for AI
  • Focus on leveraging AI for global good
  • Calls for bridging digital divide
  • Emphasizes respecting human rights


  • Ensures AI benefits all nations
  • Respects human rights
  • Aims for safe, secure, and trustworthy AI
  • Bridges digital divide between rich and poor nations
  • Leverages AI for global benefit


  • Challenges in regulating AI use
  • Potential misuse of AI systems
  • Complex governance discussions needed