USS New Jersey Maintenance Work

The USS New Jersey, a famed battleship, is leaving its dock in Camden, NJ, for maintenance work at the Philadelphia Navy Yard. The ship, built in the 1940s, has a rich history of service in various wars and conflicts. The maintenance work includes repainting the hull, fixing anti-corrosion systems, and inspecting through-hull openings.

Key Points

  • USS New Jersey leaving dock in Camden for maintenance at Philadelphia Navy Yard
  • Ship to undergo repainting, anti-corrosion system fixing, and inspection
  • Ship has rich history serving in various wars and conflicts
  • Veterans attending ceremony to commemorate the ship's legacy


  • Preservation of historical battleship
  • Maintenance ensures safety and longevity of the ship
  • Opportunity for veterans to revisit and share memories


  • Concerns about the move due to the ship's age