Emmanuel Macron's Staged Photo Shoots and PR Tactics

SOURCE www.dailymail.co.uk
French President Emmanuel Macron's staged photo shoots, particularly recent boxing photos, are seen as a PR tactic to project strength and charisma as he takes a harder stance on the Russia-Ukraine war.

Key Points

  • Macron's staged photo shoots aim to humanize him and project charisma
  • The recent boxing photos coincide with Macron positioning himself as a strong European leader standing up to Putin
  • The PR drive seeks to show Macron as a complete package, different from Putin's overt displays of aggression


  • Macron's visual rhetoric through staged photo shoots helps cultivate his image in the eyes of the French public
  • The images portray Macron as a man of versatility, character, and strength, appealing to both men and women
  • The PR drive seeks to show Macron as a strong leader standing up to Putin in the Russia-Ukraine conflict


  • Critics see the photos as narcissistic and a questionable communication choice
  • Some view the photos as lacking in authenticity and as a display of political communication poverty