Proposition 47 and Crime Wave in California

California Democrats are defending Proposition 47, a 2014 ballot measure that eased penalties for theft, despite criticism for contributing to a crime wave targeting retail stores. Some legislators are proposing reforms to the measure, while others believe more needs to be done to address property crimes.

Key Points

  • Proposition 47 changed some felonies to misdemeanors, including thefts under $950.
  • Governor Newsom introduced reforms to reduce property crimes but left Proposition 47 intact.
  • Legislators are divided on whether to repeal or reform Proposition 47.


  • Proposition 47 eased penalties for theft and other crimes, aiming to promote criminal justice reform.
  • Some Democratic leaders are defending Proposition 47 and focusing on other policy changes to address property crimes.


  • Critics blame Proposition 47 for contributing to a crime wave targeting retail stores in major California cities.
  • Many believe that reducing penalties for theft under $950 created an incentive for criminals to commit petty theft.