Rod Blagojevich's Lawsuit Dismissal

Former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich's lawsuit to return to public office was dismissed by a federal judge, who referenced Dr. Seuss in his ruling. Blagojevich, impeached in 2009 for political crimes, sought to reverse a ban preventing his return to public office.

Key Points

  • Blagojevich's lawsuit seeking to reverse the ban on his public office return was dismissed by a federal judge
  • The judge referenced Dr. Seuss in the ruling to emphasize the decision
  • Blagojevich was impeached in 2009 and convicted of corruption


  • Federal judge upheld the ban on Rod Blagojevich returning to public office
  • Ruling cited Dr. Seuss to emphasize the decision


  • Blagojevich's lawsuit was dismissed
  • State law still prevents convicted felons from holding office