Senate Republicans' Bill on Valid Act to Restrict CBP One App Usage for Illegal Immigrants

Senate Republicans introduced a bill cracking down on the federal government's use of a controversial mobile app to identify illegal immigrants traveling via airplane to the United States. The bill, named the VALID Act, aims to prohibit the TSA from accepting certain forms of identification for boarding planes.

Key Points

  • Senate Republicans introduced the VALID Act to restrict the use of the CBP One app for identifying illegal immigrants traveling to the U.S.
  • The bill aims to prevent the TSA from accepting specific forms of identification for boarding planes.
  • Critics argue that the bill may have implications for legitimate travelers and migrants seeking entry from certain countries.


  • The VALID Act aims to enhance national security by restricting the use of certain forms of identification for boarding planes.
  • The bill addresses concerns about the ease of entry for illegal immigrants compared to U.S. citizens.


  • Critics argue that the bill may hinder the travel and immigration processes for legitimate individuals.
  • There are concerns about the impact on migrants from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela who use the CBP One app.