Texas Immigration Law and Border Security

SOURCE www.foxnews.com
Shelly Means, a lifelong Texan near the southern border, condemned America's leaders as 'spineless' for failing to enforce border security and for blocking a Texas immigration law. She expressed concerns about the illegal migrant surge affecting her safety and property.

Key Points

  • Shelly Means criticized the federal government for not standing up for southern borders
  • Illegal migrant surge led to safety concerns and property damage for Means and her family
  • Texas law allowing arrest of illegal migrants blocked by court decisions
  • Record-breaking migrant encounters at the southern border under Biden's administration
  • Concerns raised about drugs, cartel activities, and child trafficking associated with illegal immigration


  • Enforcement of immigration laws to deter illegal migrant surge
  • Support for local law enforcement in arresting those entering the country illegally


  • Repeated failure of federal government to enforce border security
  • Increased criminal activities, including drug trafficking and home invasions