Controversy over transgender access to women's locker rooms at Alaska Planet Fitness outlet

Planet Fitness outlet in Fairbanks, Alaska, facing controversy for allowing a man who identifies as 'queer' to use women's locker rooms, doubling down on policy by providing an escort for the trans customer. Gym customer Patricia Silva expressed discomfort over the situation, which led to her being banned from the facilities. Despite losing $400 million in market value, Planet Fitness stands by its inclusive policy.

Key Points

  • Planet Fitness outlet in Fairbanks allows a man identifying as 'queer' to use women's locker rooms
  • Patricia Silva expresses discomfort over the situation and is banned from the facilities
  • Despite financial loss, Planet Fitness stands by its inclusive policy and provides an escort for the trans customer


  • Promoting inclusivity and creating a safe space for transgender individuals


  • Causing discomfort and alarm among some female customers
  • Financial loss and controversy for Planet Fitness