Representation of Deceased Celebrities

Mark Roesler is a celebrity agent who represents deceased celebrities, known as 'delebrities', and uses AI, holograms, and social media to keep their legacies alive and profitable. His company, CMG Worldwide, has worked with 3,000 deceased personalities and helps protect their intellectual property rights.

Key Points

  • Mark Roesler represents deceased celebrities through his company, CMG Worldwide
  • AI and hologram technology are used to resurrect dead stars for various projects
  • Protecting intellectual property rights of deceased personalities is crucial in this industry


  • Keeps the legacies of deceased celebrities alive
  • Utilizes AI and hologram technology to create new opportunities for 'delebrities'
  • Protects the intellectual property rights of deceased personalities


  • Ethical concerns about profiting from deceased individuals
  • Potential for backlash from fans or family members
  • Challenges in managing the expectations and interests of multiple beneficiaries