Squatters Take Over Mansion Near LeBron James' New Home

SOURCE www.breitbart.com
A group of squatters, led by an aspiring actor, took over a mansion near LeBron James' new home in an affluent area of Los Angeles using a fake lease agreement. The situation raised concerns among neighbors and led to eviction proceedings.

Key Points

  • Squatters used a fake lease agreement to occupy a mansion near LeBron James' new home
  • Property worth $4.6 million was utilized for parties and overnight stays
  • Eviction proceedings initiated due to concerns raised by neighbors
  • Situation underscored challenges in dealing with squatters under California laws


  • Creative scheme by squatters to take over a high-value property
  • Highlight of complex property laws and squatter rights in California


  • Disruption caused to neighbors by frequent parties and overnight stays
  • Issues with law enforcement response due to legal complexities