US Veterans Conducting Risky Rescue Missions in Haiti

A team of US veterans from Project Dynamo is conducting risky rescue missions to save foreign nationals trapped in Haiti by violent gangs. The gangs have caused widespread chaos and violence in the country, leading to a state of emergency. The veterans have saved over 7,000 people from disaster zones and are now facing extreme challenges in Haiti.

Key Points

  • Project Dynamo has a history of successful rescue missions in various disaster zones.
  • The situation in Haiti is dire, with violent gangs causing widespread violence and chaos.
  • The veterans face numerous challenges, including logistical issues and unpredictable hazards.


  • Project Dynamo has successfully conducted over 610 missions and saved over 7,000 people from disaster zones.
  • The team is dedicated to rescuing both Americans and foreign nationals in need, regardless of nationality.
  • Their experience in operating in hostile environments gives them an edge in challenging situations.


  • The situation in Haiti is extremely dangerous, with violent gangs causing widespread chaos and violence.
  • Rescue missions are fraught with risks, including helicopter crashes, emergency landings, and dodging machine gun fire.
  • The lack of command and control within the gangs adds to the complexity and danger of the rescue operations.