Provision Banning LGBTQ Pride Flags at U.S. Embassies

President Biden signed a government funding package that includes a provision banning the flying of LGBTQ Pride flags over U.S. embassies, but the White House aims to repeal this provision. The ban was included in a $1.2 trillion funding package to run the government through September. The Biden administration is committed to fighting for LGBTQ equality despite this provision.

Key Points

  • President Biden signed a government funding package that includes a provision banning the flying of LGBTQ Pride flags over U.S. embassies.
  • The White House vows to work toward repealing the ban on flying the rainbow flag.
  • The provision was one of many side issues in the $1.2 trillion package to fund the government through September.
  • The Biden administration is committed to fighting for LGBTQ equality despite the provision.


  • The White House is committed to fighting for LGBTQI+ equality at home and abroad.
  • The Biden administration has embraced LGBTQ rights and encouraged U.S. missions to fly the rainbow flag during Pride month.


  • The provision banning LGBTQ Pride flags at U.S. embassies was included in the government funding package signed by President Biden.
  • The ban may restrict the display of LGBTQ symbols at U.S. embassies.