Teen Assaulted in Missouri

SOURCE www.breitbart.com
Missouri teen Kaylee Gain, who was brutally beaten by another girl in a fight near Hazelwood East High School in St. Louis, is now stable and breathing on her own. The incident was captured in a shocking cell phone footage that went viral on social media. Kaylee had been in the ICU but has now been moved out and her family has expressed gratitude for the support received.

Key Points

  • Incident involved a violent altercation near Hazelwood East High School in St. Louis
  • Kaylee Gain was brutally beaten and suffered a severe head injury
  • The family has reported that she is now stable and breathing on her own
  • The incident has sparked an official investigation


  • Kaylee Gain is now stable and breathing on her own
  • Support and donations from the community have been overwhelming


  • Kaylee suffered a severe head injury during the altercation
  • The incident involved a violent brawl near a high school