Backlash against for hiring Ronna McDaniel

SOURCE, an independent journalism site covering Hollywood, Broadway, music business, and celebrity news, faced backlash for hiring former RNC chairman Ronna McDaniel. NBC News audience expressed anger and threatened to tune out until she is gone. Chuck Todd of "Meet the Press" showed backbone by speaking up against McDaniel's pro-Trump comments on the show.

Key Points

  • faces backlash for hiring Ronna McDaniel
  • NBC News audience expresses anger and threatens to tune out
  • Chuck Todd speaks up against McDaniel's pro-Trump comments
  • MSNBC bans McDaniel from their shows


  • Independent journalism covering Hollywood, Broadway, music business, and celebrity news


  • Backlash and anger from NBC News audience for hiring Ronna McDaniel
  • Threats of viewers tuning out until McDaniel is gone
  • Chuck Todd's reaction highlighted the controversy