Florida Bill Banning Social Media Accounts for Minors

SOURCE apnews.com
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signs a bill that will ban social media accounts for children under 14 and require parental permission for 15- and 16-year-olds, making it one of the most restrictive social media bans for minors in the country.

Key Points

  • Bill bans social media accounts for children under 14
  • Parental permission required for 15- and 16-year-olds
  • Focuses on banning social media formats based on addictive features
  • Expected legal challenges from social media companies
  • Supported by a majority of Republicans in the Legislature


  • Protects minors from potential harms of addictive social media features
  • Requires parental permission for minors to access social media


  • Critics argue it infringes on parents' rights
  • Potential legal challenges on First Amendment grounds