Controversy over NBC News Hiring Ronna McDaniel as Contributor

NBC News faces internal controversy over hiring former RNC chair Ronna McDaniel as a political news contributor, with senior executives meeting to address growing backlash from staff, including prominent anchors like Chuck Todd and Rachel Maddow. There are calls for reconsidering the contributor deal due to concerns about McDaniel's ties to former President Donald Trump and election integrity disputes. Similar controversial hires in other networks have faced scrutiny in the past.

Key Points

  • Senior executives from NBC News meeting to address controversy over Ronna McDaniel hire
  • Calls for reconsidering contributor deal due to internal backlash
  • Similar controversial hires in other networks facing scrutiny


  • Growing internal outcry among NBC News staff
  • Senior executives facing pressure to review the hire
  • Prominent anchors like Chuck Todd and Rachel Maddow speaking out against the decision
  • Concerns about McDaniel's ties to former President Donald Trump and election integrity disputes
  • Unorthodox corporate structure complicating management of McDaniel's relationships with programs and producers