Debate Over Military Service for Ultra-Orthodox Jews in Israel

The conflict between Israel and Palestinians has led to a debate in Israeli society about whether to draft ultra-Orthodox individuals into military service. The pressure to address this issue has intensified due to recent events, with calls for either extending exemptions or embracing change. The ultra-Orthodox community fears exposure to the modern world through military service, while some are slowly adapting to serve in the military.

Key Points

  • The debate around military service for ultra-Orthodox Jews in Israel has intensified following recent events.
  • There are calls for either extending exemptions for the ultra-Orthodox or embracing change in the military draft policy.
  • Some ultra-Orthodox individuals are slowly adapting to serve in the military, while others strongly oppose the idea.


  • Addressing the issue of military exemptions for ultra-Orthodox individuals could lead to a more inclusive and equal military service policy in Israel.


  • The ultra-Orthodox community fears that military service may expose them to the modern world and threaten their way of life.