Donald Trump's Embrace of Jan. 6 Riot

Former President Donald Trump embraces the events of Jan. 6, 2021, using them as a rallying cry for his base and celebrating those involved in the Capitol riot. The strategy may alienate some voters and risks promoting violence as a legitimate form of expression.

Key Points

  • Trump celebrates Jan. 6 and praises those involved in the Capitol riot
  • Some worry his messaging may resonate with those who see violence as legitimate
  • Concerns raised about tapping into extremist sentiments with references to Waco siege
  • Strategy of portraying himself as a winner may alienate voters and not be effective for winning the election in 2024


  • Solidifying support among his base
  • Portraying himself as a winner and strong figure


  • Risking alienation of potential voters uncomfortable with the Capitol riot
  • Potentially promoting violence as a legitimate form of expression