Maryland Governor's Response to Baltimore Bridge Collapse

The Governor of Maryland confirmed efforts were made to block traffic from driving onto the Baltimore bridge before a collision with the MV Dali, potentially saving lives. The ship suffered a power loss just minutes before impact, allowing authorities to communicate the situation and prevent more vehicles from crossing the bridge. An investigation is ongoing, with confirmation of an eight-man construction team on the bridge at the time of the collapse.

Key Points

  • MV Dali suffered a power loss just minutes before the collision with the Baltimore bridge
  • Authorities were able to communicate the situation and prevent more vehicles from crossing the bridge
  • Confirmation of an eight-man construction team on the bridge during the collapse


  • Efforts made to prevent more vehicles from driving onto the bridge potentially saved lives
  • Confirmation of communication between authorities and crew of MV Dali before impact


  • Uncertainty about the number of people on the bridge at the time of the collapse
  • Confirmation of an eight-man construction team on the bridge during the incident