Potential Execution of Ukrainian Prisoners by Vladimir Putin

SOURCE www.the-sun.com
Fears are growing that Vladimir Putin may use the ISIS massacre in Moscow as an excuse to execute Ukrainian prisoners. Experts believe the attack could be a ploy to bring back the death penalty. Concerns are rising over the possibility that the Russian government may have orchestrated the attack.

Key Points

  • Experts believe the attack could be a ploy to reintroduce the death penalty in Russia.
  • Putin's immediate blame on Ukraine raises suspicions about the true motives behind the attack.
  • The release of horrifying torture videos by Putin's cronies showcases a disturbing trend in Russia's treatment of detainees.


  • Experts are raising awareness about the possibility of Putin using the attack to reinstate the death penalty for Ukrainians.


  • The potential execution of Ukrainian prisoners based on false charges of terrorism or extremism.