Prepaid Debit Cards for New York City Migrants

The Adams administration launched a program to give prepaid debit cards to New York City migrants. The $53 million contract with Mobility Capital Finance was controversial as it was awarded without a bidding process. The program aims to replace providing non-perishable food boxes to migrant families with prepaid cards.

Key Points

  • Program launched by the Adams administration to provide prepaid debit cards to NYC migrants
  • Contract with Mobility Capital Finance criticized for lack of bidding process
  • Cards will need to be replenished weekly instead of being preloaded with a month's worth of funds
  • Aims to replace non-perishable food boxes with prepaid cards for migrant families


  • Provides a more flexible way for migrant families to access funds for essential needs
  • Could potentially save the city money compared to providing non-perishable food boxes


  • Controversial $53 million contract awarded without a typical bidding process
  • Initial delay in rolling out the prepaid cards