Republican response to Bob Menendez's potential independent re-election bid in 2024

Republican in New Jersey welcome Democratic Sen. Bob Menendez's potential independent re-election bid in 2024 as they aim to break the party's hold over the state's U.S. Senate delegation. Menendez faces criminal charges but has suggested running as an independent if exonerated.

Key Points

  • Menendez may run as an independent if exonerated.
  • New Jersey Republicans view this as a favorable opportunity to break the Democratic hold over the U.S. Senate delegation.
  • Democratic nomination likely to go to Rep. Andy Kim.


  • Republicans have a chance to take back the US Senate seat in New Jersey after Menendez's corruption scandal.
  • Opportunity for a potentially competitive race in 2024.


  • Menendez faces multiple criminal charges including conspiracy, obstruction of justice, bribery, acting as a foreign agent, extortion, and honest services fraud.