Approval of Israel's Actions in Gaza Among Americans

Approval of Israel’s actions in Gaza has fallen among Americans for the first time since the conflict began, leading to political division and criticism of President Biden’s handling of the situation.

Key Points

  • Approval of Israel’s actions in Gaza has declined among Americans
  • Political division over approval remains strong, with Republicans largely in support and Democrats mostly disapproving
  • President Biden faces criticism for his approach towards Israel in the conflict


  • Historical context on Gallup polls regarding approval of Israel’s actions in Gaza
  • Insights from former Israeli ambassador to the U.S. Ron Dermer and experts like Richard Goldberg and Caroline Glick
  • Analysis of political division over approval of Israel’s actions


  • Decrease in approval of Israel’s actions among Americans
  • Criticism of President Biden for his handling of the situation
  • Impact on U.S.-Israel relations and international perceptions