Attack on Chinese Nationals in Pakistan

Pakistani authorities will perform DNA testing on the remains of the suicide bomber who killed five Chinese nationals and their local driver in an attack in the country's northwest. The attack occurred in Shangla, a district in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province where thousands of Chinese nationals work on the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor.

Key Points

  • DNA testing on remains of the suicide bomber to be conducted
  • Chinese engineers and laborers attacked while heading to the Dasu Dam project
  • No group has claimed responsibility for the attack yet
  • Previous attacks on Chinese nationals working on CPEC projects in Pakistan


  • Swift investigation promised by Pakistani Prime Minister
  • Chinese foreign ministry condemns the attack and seeks justice
  • Collaboration between China and Pakistan for investigation


  • Loss of lives of Chinese nationals and their local driver
  • Possible mistrust between Pakistan and China due to the attack