Controversial Texas Law SB 4

A federal appeals court has blocked a controversial Texas law that allows state officials to arrest and detain people suspected of entering the country illegally. The court is considering if the law violates the US Constitution, and the enforcement remains on hold for now.

Key Points

  • SB 4 makes entering Texas illegally a state crime and allows state judges to order immigrants to be deported.
  • The law is likely in conflict with the US Constitution as it bestows powers upon Texas that are reserved for the United States.
  • The 5th US Circuit Court of Appeals blocked the enforcement of SB 4 while it considers the larger constitutional question.
  • The decision to block enforcement was made in a 2-1 vote, with Chief Judge Priscilla Richman writing the majority opinion.


  • Immigration enforcement is generally a responsibility of the federal government, not individual states like Texas.


  • The law could open the door to each state passing its own version of immigration laws, challenging federal authority.