Pro-Transgender Propaganda at the CIA

Cliff Sims exposes pro-transgender propaganda within the CIA in his new book, 'The Darkness Has Not Overcome.' The book details Sims' observations of diversity and inclusion initiatives with a political angle at the CIA, highlighting the agency's focus on identity politics.

Key Points

  • Cliff Sims exposes pro-transgender propaganda in his new book 'The Darkness Has Not Overcome'
  • The CIA's 'Diversity and Inclusion' office is highlighted for its focus on identity politics
  • Sims warns of consequences for dissenting from the idea that gender is a matter of personal choice
  • Encourages Christians to oppose mandates that conflict with their religious beliefs


  • Promotes awareness of diversity and inclusion within the CIA
  • Encourages empathy for individuals who are hurting and confused


  • Suggests a political angle to the CIA's diversity and inclusion efforts
  • Critiques the agency's focus on identity politics over other priorities