Supreme Court case on FDA regulations for mifepristone

The Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the case FDA v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine, which involves the FDA's changes to safety restrictions for mifepristone, the first drug in a two-drug abortion regimen. The case questions the FDA's decisions regarding gestational age, reporting complications, and allowing mifepristone to be sent via mail. The lawsuit alleges that the FDA's actions violated federal laws and endangered women's health.

Key Points

  • The case challenges the FDA's changes to safety restrictions for mifepristone.
  • It involves questions about gestational age limits, reporting complications, and mail distribution of mifepristone.
  • The lawsuit alleges that the FDA's actions violated federal laws and ignored potential health risks for women.


  • The case brings attention to important issues surrounding abortion regulations and women's health.
  • It questions the FDA's decision-making process and its impact on the availability and safety of mifepristone.


  • The case is highly contentious and involves complex legal and ethical arguments.
  • The outcome of the case could have significant implications for abortion access and regulations in the United States.