Technology and Trade Relations Between China, the Netherlands, and the U.S.

Chinese leader Xi Jinping asserts that attempts to restrict China's access to technology will not impede the country's progress. The Netherlands imposed export licensing requirements on machinery for advanced chips, following the lead of the United States. Xi emphasizes China's right to technological development despite barriers set by other countries.

Key Points

  • Xi Jinping emphasizes China's determination to progress despite external barriers
  • Netherlands imposes export licensing requirements on machinery for advanced chips
  • ASML, the world's only producer of extreme ultraviolet lithography machines, faces challenges in the Chinese market
  • China responds by focusing on developing home-grown technology to reduce reliance on foreign suppliers


  • China's commitment to developing home-grown technology and high-tech products
  • Asserting China's right to legitimate development in the face of technological restrictions


  • Potential division and confrontation arising from scientific and technological barriers
  • Impact on international trade and relations due to differing stances on technology access