Joe Biden's Rising Poll Numbers

Joe Biden's poll numbers are rising as fear of Donald Trump's return to the White House is concentrating minds. Trump is attracting hardcore supporters while repelling others. Biden's success is attributed to being the 'Stop Trump' candidate.

Key Points

  • Biden's success is attributed to fear of Trump's return rather than overwhelming support for Biden himself
  • Biden's health and the state of the economy are concerns for his campaign
  • Trump's own actions, such as railing against mail-in ballots, could work against him in the election


  • Biden's polling numbers are ticking upwards
  • Biden is gaining ground in crucial swing states
  • Trump's negatives remain high, with 53% of US voters disapproving of him


  • Biden's success is mostly due to being the 'Stop Trump' candidate rather than garnering enthusiastic support
  • Trump is still a formidable opponent with a strong base of supporters