Restoration of Endangered Species Act Protections by Biden Administration

The Biden administration restored rules to protect imperiled plants and animals that had been rolled back under former President Donald Trump. The changes include reinstating blanket protections for newly classified threatened species and not considering economic impacts when deciding on protections.

Key Points

  • Reinstatement of blanket protections for threatened species
  • Exclusion of economic impacts in protection decisions
  • Nearly half a million public comments were submitted on the rules


  • Restoration of essential protections for imperiled plants and animals
  • Use of best available science to halt population declines
  • Designation of critical areas for species' survival regardless of current presence


  • Rankled Republicans who believe the Endangered Species Act was being applied too broadly
  • Some potentially harmful changes made under Trump were left untouched
  • Pushback from industries such as energy companies, ranchers, and developers