Wreckage from Baltimore's Francis Scott Key Bridge is blocking the Patapsco River, halting operations at the Port of Baltimore and risking thousands of jobs. President Biden held a star-studded fundraiser in New York City. A concert aimed at helping those with memory loss featured Yiddish music therapy. The Sagittarius A* black hole was seen in polarized light for the first time.
Key Points
Wreckage from the Francis Scott Key Bridge is causing significant disruptions in Baltimore.
President Biden's fundraiser aimed to boost campaign finances and address concerns about his age and popularity.
Music therapy using Yiddish music can trigger memories in individuals with dementia or memory loss.
Observations of the Sagittarius A* black hole in polarized light provide new insights into its magnetic field.
Efforts to clear the wreckage from the Patapsco River can lead to the reopening of the Port of Baltimore and save thousands of jobs.
President Biden's successful fundraising event with star-studded attendees can help strengthen voter outreach.
Music therapy using Yiddish music can be beneficial for individuals with memory loss.
New observations of the Sagittarius A* black hole in polarized light provide valuable insights into its magnetic field.
The cleanup of the wreckage in the Patapsco River is expected to be challenging, expensive, and time-consuming.
Demonstrators protested against the war in Gaza during President Biden's fundraiser event.