Housing Affordability in Phoenix

SOURCE dnyuz.com
Housing in Phoenix has become unaffordable for many residents, including those with jobs, due to rising rents and limited affordable housing options. The housing crisis is causing economic anxiety and impacting political views in the city and across the country.

Key Points

  • Housing costs in Phoenix have doubled over the last decade, making it challenging for residents to find affordable homes.
  • The population growth and limited supply of housing have contributed to the affordability crisis.
  • Efforts to increase housing density and affordability are hindered by zoning restrictions and NIMBYism.
  • Even higher-income individuals are facing challenges in finding affordable housing in Phoenix.


  • Arizona's low unemployment rate and economic growth are positive indicators.
  • Proposals to lower home-buying costs and increase affordable housing options are being considered.


  • Rising housing prices have made it difficult for residents, even those with dual incomes, to find affordable homes.
  • Limited affordable housing options have led to evictions, homelessness, and economic stress.