Immigration in the United States

The number of migrants in the United States has reached a record high of 51.4 million, with a significant increase since President Joe Biden took office. The data shows that one in six people in the U.S. arrived via various migration paths. The foreign-born population has grown by 6.4 million under Biden, leading to projections of a future increase to nearly 60 million. The influx of migrants is driven by government policies and the economic interests of investors and CEOs.

Key Points

  • Significant increase in the number of migrants in the U.S. under President Biden
  • Projected future growth of the foreign-born population to nearly 60 million
  • Immigration policy driven by economic interests of investors and CEOs


  • Immigrants contribute to the economy by working, starting businesses, and paying taxes.
  • Immigration can bring cultural richness and enhance community vibrancy.


  • High levels of immigration can lead to economic challenges, including lower per-person income.
  • The influx of migrants can strain resources and services in certain areas.