Rudy Giuliani's Bankruptcy Case and Florida Condo

Rudy Giuliani opposes selling his Florida condo in bankruptcy case, citing the need for podcast recording space and income generation. Facing debts including a $148 million judgment for defaming Georgia election workers.

Key Points

  • Giuliani opposes selling his Florida condo to have a space for podcast recording and grow his broadcast income.
  • Facing a $148 million civil judgment for defaming Georgia election workers.
  • Claims potential appeal or reduction of judgment justifies holding onto the property for now.
  • Giuliani's legal team argues valid business justification for keeping the Palm Beach residence.


  • Giuliani can save money by using his Florida condo for podcast recording instead of renting studio space.
  • Potential appeal or reduction of $148 million judgment could affect the need to sell the property now.


  • Facing a significant amount of debt, including the civil judgment for defamation.
  • Criticized for using 'reckless abandon and improper judgment' in holding onto the Palm Beach property.