State Department staffer resigns over U.S. support for Israel in Gaza conflict

Former State Department staffer Annelle Sheline resigned in public protest over U.S. support for Israel in its ongoing offensive in Gaza, citing violations of humanitarian laws and a failure to reestablish America as a moral leader. President Biden faces backlash and protests over his administration's policy on Israel, with increasing disapproval among Americans.

Key Points

  • Resignation of State Department staffer Annelle Sheline in protest
  • Increased disapproval among Americans of Israel's actions in Gaza
  • Backlash and protests against President Biden's administration's policy on Israel


  • Highlighting the importance of upholding humanitarian laws
  • Drawing attention to potential violations of U.S. laws by aiding Israel


  • Causing internal division within the State Department
  • Potentially straining U.S.-Israel relations