Georgia's 2024 Legislative Session

Georgia's 2024 legislative session highlighted contrasting Republican approaches to governing, with Democrats unable to advance top policy priorities. Republicans focused on tax cuts, immigration, and healthcare, while Democrats were frustrated by the failure to expand Medicaid. The session showcased power struggles between the House and Senate, with conflicts over various bills and initiatives.

Key Points

  • Contrasting Republican approaches to governance
  • Democrats unable to advance Medicaid expansion
  • Power struggles between House and Senate
  • Republicans focused on tax cuts, immigration, and healthcare
  • Democrats frustrated by lack of progress on key issues


  • Republicans unified on issues like tax cuts, immigration, and pay raises for teachers and state employees.
  • Senate Republicans saw many of their priorities become law, including bills on cash bail, school vouchers, and parental consent for social media.


  • Democrats faced frustration over the failure to expand Medicaid despite efforts to push the agenda forward.
  • Sharp disagreements and power struggles between the House and Senate were evident throughout the session.