NATO's Pre-War Era and Potential Conflict with Russia

Poland's prime minister warns that NATO faces a 'pre-war era' with potential aggression from Russia, emphasizing the need for increased defense spending and support for Ukraine. Russian President Putin denies intent to fight NATO, but Central and Eastern European leaders remain concerned.

Key Points

  • Poland's prime minister and British Defense Secretary warn of a 'pre-war era' in NATO
  • Russian President Putin denies intent to fight NATO but Central and Eastern European leaders remain wary
  • Calls for increased defense spending and support for Ukraine to prepare for potential conflict


  • Increased awareness of potential conflict with Russia within NATO
  • Focus on the need for defense spending and support for Ukraine
  • Call for European leaders to adopt a more hard-headed attitude towards the situation


  • Denial from Russian President Putin about intentions to fight NATO
  • Concerns from Central and Eastern European leaders about Russian aggression
  • Divisions among NATO leaders on whether to adopt a conciliatory or confrontational policy towards Moscow