Bird Flu Outbreak in U.S. Dairy Cattle

Multiple dairy farms across the U.S. have cows testing positive for bird flu, also known as highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI), with cases confirmed in Texas, Kansas, and Michigan, and presumptive positive tests in New Mexico and Idaho. The outbreak is the first time this disease has been found in dairy cattle.

Key Points

  • Cases of bird flu in dairy cattle confirmed in multiple states
  • Dairies required to divert or destroy milk from impacted livestock
  • Past human infections occurred from exposures to infected poultry
  • Transmission likely from wild birds, but cow-to-cow transmission not ruled out
  • USDA recommends good biosecurity practices for farms and veterinarians


  • Risk to the public remains low
  • Commercial dairy supply is safe
  • Milk recall not necessary as dairies divert or destroy milk from impacted livestock


  • Potential risk of transmission to humans and other animals
  • Limited information on transmission through raw milk
  • Biosecurity measures required for farms and veterinarians