Investigation into Peruvian President Dina Boluarte's Alleged Illicit Enrichment

Peruvian President Dina Boluarte is facing an investigation for alleged illicit enrichment after police raided her house in search of luxury watches. Boluarte denies corruption accusations and claims the investigation is discriminatory. The case has sparked political turmoil in Peru.

Key Points

  • Police raided President Dina Boluarte's house in search of luxury watches as part of an investigation into alleged illicit enrichment
  • Boluarte denies corruption accusations and claims the investigation is discriminatory
  • The case has sparked political turmoil in Peru
  • Attorney General emphasized Boluarte's obligation to cooperate with the investigation promptly


  • Transparency in government officials' financial dealings
  • Upholding the rule of law


  • Potential political instability and economic implications for Peru
  • Accusations of authoritarianism within Boluarte's government