Redistricting Controversy in South Carolina

Rep. Clyburn denies allegations from a 2023 ProPublica report that he worked with Republicans to move 30,000 Black voters into his district. Legal battles over redistricting in South Carolina continue.

Key Points

  • Allegations of Rep. Clyburn working with Republicans to move 30,000 Black voters into his district.
  • Legal battles over redistricting in South Carolina raise concerns about racial and partisan implications.
  • Continued lack of clarity and resolution ahead of the upcoming elections.


  • Rep. Clyburn denies the allegations and states that he did not ask for his district to be turned into a minority district.
  • Legal battles highlight issues of race, partisan affiliation, and constitutional violations in redistricting.


  • Allegations of using race as a proxy for partisan affiliation in violation of the 14th Amendment.
  • Continued legal battles and lack of decision by the Supreme Court create uncertainty around the upcoming elections.