Retirement Travelers Skating Down Hospital Halls and Traveling the World

Dr. Phil Masterson celebrated his retirement by skating down the halls of an emergency room hospital in Dallas, Texas. A married couple retired in 2020 and have been traveling around the world, visiting over 90 countries so far. They have been living out of their backpacks, staying in Airbnb or hotels for 4-7 days before moving on to another location.

Key Points

  • Dr. Phil Masterson celebrated retirement by skating in hospital halls
  • The Martins retired in 2020, sold everything, and started traveling the world
  • They have visited over 90 countries, staying in accommodations for short periods


  • Inspiring story of a doctor retiring after 40 years in the medical industry
  • Couple setting an example of living life to the fullest and following their dreams
  • Exploring over 90 countries and experiencing different cultures