Rise of Private Clubs in New York City

SOURCE dnyuz.com
Private clubs in New York City, like Casa Cipriani, are on the rise, offering exclusivity and amenities in a time of excess office space. These clubs vary in price, exclusivity, and services, but their staying power remains uncertain.

Key Points

  • Private clubs are on the rise in New York City, offering various price points and amenities
  • The pandemic and excess office space have contributed to the growth of these clubs
  • Older clubs were exclusive and shaped by the Gilded Age, while newer clubs focus on modern luxury and services
  • The affordability of commercial real estate has influenced the ability of newer clubs to secure physical spaces
  • Membership fees and initiation costs vary widely among different clubs, catering to different demographics
  • The exclusivity and appeal of private clubs lie in their prestige and sense of community


  • Offer a sense of community and social interaction in a post-pandemic world
  • Provide exclusive access to luxury amenities and services
  • Fill the void left by the disappearance of 'third places' in the city


  • Can perpetuate stratification based on gender, race, and class
  • May lack the staying power of older, established clubs due to high rents and changing economic conditions
  • Could lead to transactional relationships and conflicts between member desires and club profitability